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Leaflet.Editable API reference


Leaflet.Editable add options and events to the L.Map object. See Editable events for the list of events fired on the Map.

Usage example

var map ='map', {
 editable: true,
 editOptions: {


Map Options

Option Type Default Description
editToolsClass class L.Editable Class to be used as vertex, for path editing.
editable boolean false Whether to create a L.Editable instance at map init.
editOptions hash {} Options to pass to L.Editable when instantiating.


EditableMixin is included to L.Polyline, L.Polygon, L.Rectangle, L.Circle  and L.Marker. It adds some methods to them. When editing is enabled, the editor is accessible on the instance with the editor property.


Method Returns Description
enableEdit(<L.Map> map?) this.editor Enable editing, by creating an editor if not existing, and then calling enable on it.
editEnabled() boolean Return true if current instance has an editor attached, and this editor is enabled.
disableEdit() Disable editing, also remove the editor property reference.
toggleEdit() Enable or disable editing, according to current status.


Main edition handler. By default, it is attached to the map as map.editTools property. Leaflet.Editable is made to be fully extendable. You have three ways to customize the behaviour: using options, listening to events, or extending.


Option Type Default Description
zIndex int 1000 The default zIndex of the editing tools.
polygonClass class L.Polygon Class to be used when creating a new Polygon.
polylineClass class L.Polyline Class to be used when creating a new Polyline.
markerClass class L.Marker Class to be used when creating a new Marker.
circleMarkerClass class L.CircleMarker Class to be used when creating a new CircleMarker.
rectangleClass class L.Rectangle Class to be used when creating a new Rectangle.
circleClass class L.Circle Class to be used when creating a new Circle.
drawingCSSClass string 'leaflet-editable-drawing' CSS class to be added to the map container while drawing.
drawingCursor const 'crosshair' Cursor mode set to the map while drawing.
editLayer Layer new L.LayerGroup() Layer used to store edit tools (vertex, line guide…).
featuresLayer Layer new L.LayerGroup() Default layer used to store drawn features (Marker, Polyline…).
polylineEditorClass class PolylineEditor Class to be used as Polyline editor.
polygonEditorClass class PolygonEditor Class to be used as Polygon editor.
markerEditorClass class MarkerEditor Class to be used as Marker editor.
circleMarkerEditorClass class CircleMarkerEditor Class to be used as CircleMarker editor.
rectangleEditorClass class RectangleEditor Class to be used as Rectangle editor.
circleEditorClass class CircleEditor Class to be used as Circle editor.
lineGuideOptions hash {} Options to be passed to the line guides.
skipMiddleMarkers boolean false Set this to true if you don't want middle markers.
vertexMarkerClass class VertexMarker Class to be used as vertex, for path editing.
middleMarkerClass class VertexMarker Class to be used as middle vertex, pulled by the user to create a new point in the middle of a path.


Event Data Description
editable:created LayerEvent Fired when a new feature (Marker, Polyline…) is created.
editable:enable Event Fired when an existing feature is ready to be edited.
editable:disable Event Fired when an existing feature is not ready anymore to be edited.
editable:editing Event Fired as soon as any change is made to the feature geometry.
editable:dragstart Event Fired before a path feature is dragged.
editable:drag Event Fired when a path feature is being dragged.
editable:dragend Event Fired after a path feature has been dragged.

Drawing events

Event Data Description
editable:drawing:start Event Fired when a feature is to be drawn.
editable:drawing:end Event Fired when a feature is not drawn anymore.
editable:drawing:cancel Event Fired when user cancel drawing while a feature is being drawn.
editable:drawing:commit Event Fired when user finish drawing a feature.
editable:drawing:mousedown Event Fired when user mousedown while drawing.
editable:drawing:mouseup Event Fired when user mouseup while drawing.
editable:drawing:click CancelableEvent Fired when user click while drawing, before any internal action is being processed.
editable:drawing:move Event Fired when move mouse while drawing, while dragging a marker, and while dragging a vertex.
editable:drawing:clicked Event Fired when user click while drawing, after all internal actions.

Vertex events

Event Data Description
editable:vertex:new VertexEvent Fired when a new vertex is created.
editable:vertex:click CancelableVertexEvent Fired when a click is issued on a vertex, before any internal action is being processed.
editable:vertex:clicked VertexEvent Fired when a click is issued on a vertex, after all internal actions.
editable:vertex:rawclick CancelableVertexEvent Fired when a click is issued on a vertex without any special key and without being in drawing mode.
editable:vertex:deleted VertexEvent Fired after a vertex has been deleted by user.
editable:vertex:ctrlclick VertexEvent Fired when a click with ctrlKey is issued on a vertex.
editable:vertex:shiftclick VertexEvent Fired when a click with shiftKey is issued on a vertex.
editable:vertex:metakeyclick VertexEvent Fired when a click with metaKey is issued on a vertex.
editable:vertex:altclick VertexEvent Fired when a click with altKey is issued on a vertex.
editable:vertex:contextmenu VertexEvent Fired when a contextmenu is issued on a vertex.
editable:vertex:mousedown VertexEvent Fired when user mousedown a vertex.
editable:vertex:mouseover VertexEvent Fired when a user's mouse enters the vertex
editable:vertex:mouseout VertexEvent Fired when a user's mouse leaves the vertex
editable:vertex:drag VertexEvent Fired when a vertex is dragged by user.
editable:vertex:dragstart VertexEvent Fired before a vertex is dragged by user.
editable:vertex:dragend VertexEvent Fired after a vertex is dragged by user.

MiddleMarker events

Event Data Description
editable:middlemarker:mousedown VertexEvent Fired when user mousedown a middle marker.

Shape events

Event Data Description
editable:shape:new ShapeEvent Fired when a new shape is created in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).
editable:shape:delete CancelableShapeEvent Fired before a new shape is deleted in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).
editable:shape:deleted ShapeEvent Fired after a new shape is deleted in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).


Public methods

You will generally access them by the map.editTools instance:


Method Returns Description
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing.
stopDrawing() When you need to stop any ongoing drawing, without needing to know which editor is active.
commitDrawing() When you need to commit any ongoing drawing, without needing to know which editor is active.
startPolyline(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.Polyline Start drawing a Polyline. If latlng is given, a first point will be added. In any case, continuing on user click. If options is given, it will be passed to the Polyline class constructor.
startPolygon(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.Polygon Start drawing a Polygon. If latlng is given, a first point will be added. In any case, continuing on user click. If options is given, it will be passed to the Polygon class constructor.
startMarker(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.Marker Start adding a Marker. If latlng is given, the Marker will be shown first at this point. In any case, it will follow the user mouse, and will have a final latlng on next click (or touch). If options is given, it will be passed to the Marker class constructor.
startCircleMarker(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.CircleMarker Start adding a CircleMarker. If latlng is given, the CircleMarker will be shown first at this point. In any case, it will follow the user mouse, and will have a final latlng on next click (or touch). If options is given, it will be passed to the CircleMarker class constructor.
startRectangle(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.Rectangle Start drawing a Rectangle. If latlng is given, the Rectangle anchor will be added. In any case, continuing on user drag. If options is given, it will be passed to the Rectangle class constructor.
startCircle(<L.LatLng> latlng, <hash> options) L.Circle Start drawing a Circle. If latlng is given, the Circle anchor will be added. In any case, continuing on user drag. If options is given, it will be passed to the Circle class constructor.


When editing a feature (Marker, Polyline…), an editor is attached to it. This editor basically knows how to handle the edition.


Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.


Editor for Marker.


Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.


Base class for all path editors.


Method Returns Description
reset() Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
push() Programmatically add a point while drawing.
pop() L.LatLng or null Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
newShape(<L.LatLng> latlng?) Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it; if optional latlng is given, start a path at this point.
deleteShapeAt(<L.LatLng> latlng) Array Remove a path shape at the given latlng.
appendShape(<Array> shape) Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
prependShape(<Array> shape) Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
insertShape(<Array> shape, <int> index) Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.



Method Returns Description
continueBackward(<Array> latlngs?) Set up drawing tools to continue the line backward.
continueForward(<Array> latlngs?) Set up drawing tools to continue the line forward.
splitShape(<Array> latlngs?, <int> index) Split the given latlngs shape at index index and integrate new shape in instance latlngs.
Method Returns Description
reset() Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
push() Programmatically add a point while drawing.
pop() L.LatLng or null Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
newShape(<L.LatLng> latlng?) Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it; if optional latlng is given, start a path at this point.
deleteShapeAt(<L.LatLng> latlng) Array Remove a path shape at the given latlng.
appendShape(<Array> shape) Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
prependShape(<Array> shape) Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
insertShape(<Array> shape, <int> index) Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.



Method Returns Description
newHole(<L.LatLng> latlng?, <int> index) Set up drawing tools for creating a new hole on the Polygon. If the latlng param is given, a first point is created.
Method Returns Description
reset() Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
push() Programmatically add a point while drawing.
pop() L.LatLng or null Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
newShape(<L.LatLng> latlng?) Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it; if optional latlng is given, start a path at this point.
deleteShapeAt(<L.LatLng> latlng) Array Remove a path shape at the given latlng.
appendShape(<Array> shape) Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
prependShape(<Array> shape) Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
insertShape(<Array> shape, <int> index) Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.



Method Returns Description
reset() Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
push() Programmatically add a point while drawing.
pop() L.LatLng or null Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
newShape(<L.LatLng> latlng?) Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it; if optional latlng is given, start a path at this point.
deleteShapeAt(<L.LatLng> latlng) Array Remove a path shape at the given latlng.
appendShape(<Array> shape) Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
prependShape(<Array> shape) Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
insertShape(<Array> shape, <int> index) Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.



Method Returns Description
reset() Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
push() Programmatically add a point while drawing.
pop() L.LatLng or null Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
newShape(<L.LatLng> latlng?) Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it; if optional latlng is given, start a path at this point.
deleteShapeAt(<L.LatLng> latlng) Array Remove a path shape at the given latlng.
appendShape(<Array> shape) Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
prependShape(<Array> shape) Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
insertShape(<Array> shape, <int> index) Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.


Handler for dragging path vertices.


Public methods

The marker used to handle path vertex. You will usually interact with a VertexMarker instance when listening for events like editable:vertex:ctrlclick.
Method Returns Description
delete() Delete a vertex and the related LatLng.
getIndex() int Get the index of the current vertex among others of the same LatLngs group.
getLastIndex() int Get last vertex index of the LatLngs group of the current vertex.
getPrevious() VertexMarker Get the previous VertexMarker in the same LatLngs group.
getNext() VertexMarker Get the next VertexMarker in the same LatLngs group.
split() Split the vertex LatLngs group at its index, if possible.
continue() Continue the vertex LatLngs from this vertex. Only active for first and last vertices of a Polyline.

Event objects


Method Returns Description
cancel() Cancel any subsequent action.


Property Type Description
vertex VertexMarker The vertex that fires the event.


Property Type Description
shape Array The shape (LatLngs array) subject of the action.


Method Returns Description
cancel() Cancel any subsequent action.


Property Type Description
vertex VertexMarker The vertex that fires the event.


Method Returns Description
cancel() Cancel any subsequent action.


Property Type Description
shape Array The shape (LatLngs array) subject of the action.


Property Type Description
layer object The Layer (Marker, Polyline…) subject of the action.


Editor for CircleMarker.


Method Returns Description
enable() this Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
disable() this Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
drawing() boolean Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.